Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not Without Sin

I believe this piece explains itself. A lot of people who are "so called" religious, tend to judge people more harshly, when they actually need to be reviewing their own actions. if they were to take a look in the mirror sometimes, they might see their own faults.


Not Without Sin


You pick and choose your scriptures

Line them up and divvy them out to the unsuspecting

Justified in your mind because you know the word

But obviously it doesn’t pertain to you

Seems like all you do is thumb through

Turning a blind eye to the truth

Spilling out all of the judgmental in you

Oh and it is way more than I could’ve imagined

The Christian in you seems to be dragging, behind

Have you even looked back at it

Maybe you should pick it up and dust it off

No maybe you need to vacuum it off

Get all up in the creases

Cause the good that used to be there is obviously depleted

Saved but with a sinner’s mind

Front row in church but the last one in at night

And yes, you think you are holier than thou

Turning up your nose in God’s precious house

Because I don’t dress the part

But God says come as you are

Just because you wear a big hat to prove your praise

I’m bobbing and weaving to counteract your lame act

Falling out just for attention

When you really need to be giving repentance

Trying to reveal the sins of everyone else

While you should be standing in the same line getting oil for yourself

Probably scared you’re gonna fry at the altar

Oh and I believe it

I see the fumes seeping from your ear lobes

One false move and that mask you wear will melt

And what’s underneath has a one way ticket to hell

No stops, no water breaks

You better drink up now

Because the image you portray is not gonna save you

What’s behind closed doors holds your true label


Criticizing me for my sins

When your night time remedy is a bottle of gin

And I swear

You swear more than him, and her, and him and them

And all the fingers you pointing

Need to be redirected back at yourself

How long has your bible been sitting on that shelf

But of course you do no wrong

You speak in tongues, converse with God on a daily

Your hands never get dirty

You’re perfect in his eyes

Please you’re living in an illusion

And I have not for one second been fooled

When you shouting so hard you shaking the whole pew

I hate to break it down to you

But I’m not the only one who is under his review

He’s watching us every second, every minute, every hour

And you continue to make a mockery of him

So much effort in pretending you don’t even pay your tithes

I aint seen your ten percent but you all up in mines

I guess you will continue to rely on your deception

In church for every service and still don’t get the message

But brag about your blessings

And your counterfeit testimonies

Too bad I can’t hold you up to the light

And prove you are an imitation

But all in all you are one of God’s creations

And in no way, shape or form am I the perfect Christian

But I’m not the one out here picking and choosing my scriptures


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